Summer Picnic Guide

Everyone loves a picnic. But some are better at organizing one than others. Make planning the perfect picnic a breeze with our easy picnic guide.

Choose a location
Before you start prepping and packing, make sure you have a location picked out. This will help you determine what you need to bring and how food should be properly stored and or packed. Southern Oregon is overflowing with beautiful places to grill a burger or enjoy a cold beverage. From the Japanese Gardens to the swimming reservoir, you can’t go wrong with Ashland’s gem, Lithia Park. A short drive from Ashland and a moderate hike, Grizzly Peak offers picnicking with a view. Stressed for time? Get a grab and go lunch from the Deli, relax in the Co-op Courtyard and enjoy the people watching.

Prep everything 
From cutting veggies to assembling burger patties, prep everything ahead of time. It will keep the fuss—and mess—to a minimum once you get outside.

Stay sun safe and bug free
Avoid looking like a lobster and make sure to wear a hat, layers and slather on all natural sunscreen. Pack a bottle of chemical-free mosquito repellent from the Wellness Department to keep the bugs at bay.

Go green
Bring reusable napkins and avoid fly-away paper napkins. If you are using disposable flatware or other products, look for recycled and biodegradable options at the Co-op. And remember, you packed it in, you pack it out. Keep your favorite picnic spot clean and pristine for the next al fresco diners.

Make it fun
Make your picnic special. Stop by the Co-op for a fresh cut bouquet of flowers from Le Mera Gardens to adorn your picnic table or blanket. Turn on some tunes, bring a book, a game, bubbles, or a Frisbee to play with when you are done eating. And remember, picnicking is a great time to unplug so turn off that cell phone.

In a hurry? Or feeling spontaneous? The Co-op has a variety of fresh, pre-made dips, salads and sandwiches to ease the planning stress and get you on your way to relaxation and sunshine. Check out our July/August newsletter for more picnicking tips and our favorite summer recipes.


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So, what exactly is Bicycle Benefits? It's a program that rewards cyclists for their pedal power! Here's how it works:

1. Stop by the Co-op and buy your $5 Bicycle Benefits sticker

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OHRA logo

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Rogue Action Center

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Truth to Power

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